6.3. Parameter customization

As of MCAF R4, parameter customization is available through the Customize page of motorBench® Development Suite, which provides access to various parameters that affect code generation.

This section provides additional guidance for setting these parameters.

Please note: MCAF has been designed so that the default values for customizable parameters are applicable to most motors. In the event that it is unclear what to do, the best course of action is to use the default value of each parameter.

6.3.1. Summary

The following table describes these parameters briefly. Links to detailed guidance are included.

Table 6.1 Customizable parameters




Current measurement

Current measurement

Selects which method is used to measure motor phase currents

Single channel

Minimum time window

Minimum time window required to measure current

Single channel

ADC trigger delay

Delay between inverter switching state and ADC sampling point


Primary estimator

Selects which estimator is used for commutation and velocity feedback


Active estimators

Selects which estimators are active, in addition to the primary estimator used for commutation

Operating parameters

Minimum velocity

Determines minimum operating velocity

Operating parameters

Startup velocity

Determines startup velocity

Operating parameters

Maximum velocity

Determines maximum velocity command, as a ratio of nominal motor velocity

Operating parameters

Full-scale velocity

Determines full-scale velocity, as a ratio of nominal motor velocity

Operating parameters

Outer loop controller

Determines the variable controlled by the outer control loop

Operating parameters

Saliency: Saliency threshold

Determines saliency ratio below which the motor’s saliency is neglected

Operating parameters

Slew rate: max acceleration

Determines maximum velocity slew rate in motoring quadrants

Operating parameters

Slew rate: max deceleration

Determines maximum velocity slew rate in generating quadrants

Operating parameters

Dynamic current limit type

Determines which type (if any) of dynamic current limit algorithm to use

Operating parameters

Closed-loop stopping

Determines which type (if any) of closed-loop stopping to use

Operating parameters

Closed loop stopping: Speed

speed at which the motor is considered stopped

Operating parameters

Closed loop stopping: Time

time duration where the motor is below the stopping speed, after which the motor is considered stopped

Operating parameters

Coastdown: Velocity threshold

Determines velocity threshold used to estimate when a motor stops

Operating parameters

Coastdown: Time

Determines time to wait until a motor stops

Flux control

Flux control method

Selects flux control method (or “None” if disabled)

Flux control

Current limit: Boundary type

Selects method used for defining the commanded Idq boundary

Flux control

Current limit: Idmax

Determines the maximum negative d-axis current

Flux control

Current limit: Iqmax

Determines the maximum q-axis current

Flux control

Flux weakening: enable

Determines if flux weakening is enabled

Flux control

Flux weakening: Voltage limit

Determines the voltage amplitude limit used in flux weakening (FW)

Flux control

MTPA: Enable

Determines if MTPA is enabled

Flux control


Displays the maximum d-axis current allocated to MTPA, as a function of \(L_d - L_q\) and \(I_{\max}\) (Indication only)

Flux control


Displays the maximum increase in torque due to MTPA (Indication only)

Dead-time compensation

Dead-time compensation method

Selects dead-time compensation method (or “None” if disabled)

Dead-time compensation

Current linearity range

Determines linear range of currents used for deadtime compensation; larger currents are treated as ±1

Dead-time compensation

Forward gain

Determines gain for dead-time compensation in the forward path

Dead-time compensation

Feedback gain

Determines gain for dead-time compensation in the feedback path

Fault detection

Undervoltage margin

Determines undervoltage threshold margin

Fault detection

Overvoltage margin

Determines overvoltage threshold margin

Fault detection

Stall detect: enable

Determines if stall detect is enabled


Startup current

Determines current used during startup


Rampup time

Determines current rampup time during startup


Align time

Determines time to remain in the align state during startup


Min accel time

Determines minimum acceleration time during startup


Acceleration \(\alpha_1\)

Determines fast acceleration rate


Acceleration \(\alpha_0\)

Determines slow acceleration rate


Hold time

Determines time to remain in the hold state during startup


Speed threshold \(\omega_0\)

Determines speed threshold for switching to fast acceleration


Angle converge rate

Determines rate of angle convergence during closed-loop transition of classic startup


Startup algorithm

Selects startup method


Active damping: max amplitude

Determines maximum amplitude of active damping current


Active damping: max gain

Determines maximum gain of active damping


Active damping: speed threshold

Determines the minimum velocity to enable active damping


D-axis limit

Determines the maximum d-axis voltage


Q-axis limit

Determines the maximum q-axis voltage


Duty cycle feedback with clipping

Determines when in the forward path duty cycle feedback is obtained

AN1292 PLL

Time constant

Specifies the velocity estimation time constant

AN1292 PLL

Loop filter bandwidth

Specifies the loop filter bandwidth

AN1292 PLL

Filter threshold

Determines maximum velocity for slow filtering in the PLL

Quadrature encoder


Specifies the number of lines of the encoder

Quadrature encoder

Index pulse present

Specifies whether an index pulse is present

Quadrature encoder

Tracking loop time constant

Determines bandwidth of tracking loop

Quadrature encoder

Synchronization method

Selects method of synchronizing encoder with back-emf

Quadrature encoder

Align time

Duration of alignment phase of startup

Quadrature encoder

Align angle shift

Determines angle shift between rampup and align states of startup

Quadrature encoder

Align initial angle

Determines initial angle used in rampup state of startup

Quadrature encoder

Align-and-sweep rate

Determines rotation rate during align state of startup, when using align-and-sweep method

Quadrature encoder

Align-and-sweep setup angle

Determines setup angle of align-and-sweep method, to allow transients to settle prior to measurements

Quadrature encoder

Pullout slip threshold

Determines rotor slip threshold used for detecting a pullout condition

Dynamic current limit

Dynamic current limit

Determines peak current

Dynamic current limit

Dynamic current limit

Determines horizon current

Dynamic current limit

Dynamic current limit

Determines relaxation time constant

Dynamic current limit

Dynamic current limit

Determines decimation ratio

Voltage control

Low-pass filter time constant

Determines q-axis low pass filter time constant

Voltage control

Proportional gain

Determines voltage controller proportional gain

Voltage control

Time constant

Determines voltage controller time constant

Motion Control API

Filter time constant Is

Determines the time constant used for calculating low pass filtered value of amplitude of current in the motor (Is)

Motion Control API

Filter time constant Iq

Determines the time constant used for calculating low pass filtered value of the measured q-axis current in the motor (Iq)

Motion Control API

ADC ISR user functions

Determines if the ADC ISR user functions are called periodically in the MCAF ISR

Board Service

UI service period

Determines the rate at which the board service ISR tasks get executed.

Board Service

Button debounce time

Determines the length of time required to register a logical high signal as a button press.

Board Service

Long button press time

Determines the amount of time before a button press is detected as a long button press.

Optional analog inputs

Temperature bridge

Determines if the temperature bridge ADC input is sampled

Optional analog inputs

Temperature bridge: Overtemperature threshold

Determines threshold for triggering an overtemperature fault

Optional analog inputs

Temperature bridge: Time constant

Determines temperature low-pass filter time constant

Optional analog inputs

Temperature bridge: Slew rate

Determines temperature slew rate

Optional analog inputs

Absolute voltage reference

Determines if the absolute voltage reference ADC input is sampled

Optional analog inputs

Phase voltage: A

Determines if the phase A ADC input is sampled

Optional analog inputs

Phase voltage: B

Determines if the phase C ADC input is sampled

Optional analog inputs

Phase voltage: C

Determines if the phase C ADC input is sampled

6.3.2. Detailed information Current measurement

Several current measurement algorithms have been implemented for obtaining phase current measurements and adapting them for use in the feedback path of field-oriented control. Each method has different hardware requirements, and are available depending on the current measurement capability of the selected board:

New in version R7. Single channel

Single channel (“single-shunt”) samples the DC link current at different inverter switching states to reconstruct the three phase currents.

New in version R7. Minimum time window

Minimum time window \(t_{\mathrm{sample}}\) required to measure current signal using single channel. This time is added to the PWM dead time so that \(t_{\mathrm{crit}} = t_{\mathrm{deadtime}} + t_{\mathrm{sample}}\).

New in version R7. ADC trigger delay

Delay between the inverter switching state and the ADC sampling point. This delay may be required to avoid ringing current signals due to the inverter switching state, which can reduce the accuracy of single channel current measurement.

New in version R7. Estimators Primary estimator

One position and velocity estimator must be chosen for use in commutation and velocity feedback.

Available estimators as of MCAF R7:

New in version R5.

(Previously this choice was made on the Configure page in motorBench® Development Suite.) Active estimators

In addition to the primary estimator, additional estimators may be selected. (Only the primary estimator is used for commutation and velocity feedback.)

Usage of more than one estimator — particularly the quadrature encoder, which has higher angle and velocity accuracy — is recommended for troubleshooting or validation purposes. Please note that this will increase CPU and memory requirements.

New in version R4. Operating parameters Minimum velocity

Minimum velocity \(\omega_{\min}\) was moved in MCAF R5 to the Customize page from the Configure page. It is used in MCAF in two ways:

  • Determines the lower limit of the adjustable velocity range

  • In autotuning, determines dynamics of the sensorless estimator model; stability and performance of sensorless estimators are poorer at lower velocities, so lowering the minimum velocity will generally result in a lower-bandwidth velocity control loop to ensure stability.

Minimum velocity \(\omega_{\min}\) was previously used as the transition velocity at motor startup. As of MCAF R7, the startup velocity parameter determines the transition velocity at motor startup.

New in version R5. Startup velocity

Determines the transition velocity at motor startup \(\omega_1\), from open-loop commutation to closed-loop commutation. (Before MCAF R7, minimum velocity \(\omega_{\min}\) was used.) This parameter is constrained so that startup velocity \(\omega_1\) must be greater than or equal to minimum velocity \(\omega_{\min}\).

New in version R7. Maximum velocity

Increase or decrease the maximum allowed velocity command, as a ratio of nominal motor velocity. The default value is sufficient in most cases. Increasing may be appropriate for motors with a wide flux weakening range above the nominal velocity.

New in version R6. Full-scale velocity

The full-scale velocity controls the numerical representation of motor velocity. Increase to allow more design margin against overflow.

New in version R6. Outer loop controller

There are two choices for the variable that is controlled by the outer loop controller:

The velocity controller parameters are configurable in the tuning page, while the voltage controller parameters are configurable in the Customize page.

New in version R7. Saliency threshold

Saliency ratio \(\xi = L_q/L_d\) helps determine whether the full-saliency motor model is used. This is a more complicated motor model, used in certain algorithms such as the ATPLL estimator, MTPA, and flux weakening. The full-saliency motor model takes both inductances into account, but requires slightly more computation. Since most permanent-magnet motors are non-salient, \(\xi \approx 1\) and the saliency can be neglected, saving CPU cycles.

This threshold sets the minimum saliency to use the full-saliency motor model. Increasing the threshold can be used to neglect saliency if the extra computation is not desirable.

New in version R6. Slew rate (max acceleration/deceleration)

Maximum acceleration (in motoring quadrants) and deceleration (in generating quadrants) can be adjusted. Increasing the slew rates will increase the motor current required during acceleration or deceleration.

Determining maximum deceleration during regeneration must be done with some care: the motor drive converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, which must go somewhere, such as a battery or a dynamic brake resistor. Without a viable outlet for that energy, the DC link voltage will rise until the motor controller detects this and shuts down, or until one of the capacitors or transistors fails and dissipates this energy destructively.

New in version R5. Dynamic current limit type

The controlled d-axis and q-axis currents may have a fixed limit, or the limit may change based on the motor current if short higher-current transients are desired. Two options are available for dynamic current limit:

New in version R7. Closed-loop stopping

There are three stopping modes in MCAF that affect the motor stopping behavior in the STOPPING state.

  • Minimal-impact PWM — Phase currents quickly reach zero. Does not allow estimators to operate during stopping.

  • Closed-loop current — Controls the q-axis current to zero. Allows estimators to operate during stopping.

  • Closed-loop velocity — Controls the velocity to zero. Allows estimators to operate during stopping.

New in version R7. Speed and time thresholds

There are two closed-loop stopping parameters used to define the condition at which the motor is considered stopped, before the state machine transitions from the STOPPING state to the STOPPED state.

  • Speed threshold

  • Time threshold

For a transition from STOPPING to STOPPED, the motor speed must fall and remain below the speed threshold for at least the time threshold. This implementation is to avoid short speed transients below the speed threshold causing a false motor stop. Figure 6.1 shows an example with the speed threshold set to 75 RPM and the time threshold set to 1.0 s. The state machine transitions to STOPPED only when the time threshold has fully elapsed while the motor speed remains below the speed threshold.


Figure 6.1 State machine transition from STOPPING to STOPPED with closed-loop stopping active.

New in version R7. Coastdown parameters

With the stopping mode set to minimal-impact PWM, there are two interrelated coastdown parameters used to estimate the time required to bring the motor to a stop, before it can be safely restarted:

  • velocity threshold

  • time

The resulting coastdown time is used in the STOPPING state before proceeding to the STOPPED state.

New in version R5. Flux control

See the section on flux control for more information. Flux control method

Selects which flux control method is used, from among the following:

  • “None” — d-axis reference current will be set to zero

  • “Equation-based” — determines d-axis reference current from the flux weakening and MTPA algorithms

New in version R6. Current limit: Boundary type

Rectangular type sets d-axis and q-axis current limits independently. Quadratic type sets the q-axis limit based on a quadratic approximation of a circular function.

See also Calculation of q-axis current limit for more information.

New in version R6. Current limit: Idmax

The d-axis current is normalized to maximum current Imax, where Imax = minimum of motor and drive continuous current ratings. It is recommended to set the current limit below the demagnetizing current of the motor.

New in version R6. Current limit: Iqmax

The q-axis current limit is allocated as a fraction of current limit Imax, where Imax = minimum of motor and drive continuous current ratings. This is applicable only when rectangular boundary type is enabled.

See also Calculation of q-axis current limit for more information.

New in version R6. Flux weakening: enable

This parameter determines if flux weakening is enabled.

New in version R6. Flux weakening: voltage limit

The voltage amplitude limit used in flux weakening (FW) is normalized to DC link voltage. D-axis current is computed so that the steady-state voltage requirements do not exceed this circular limit. Ideally a limit is chosen so that the motor enters FW operation just before entering overmodulation. Higher limits may prevent the motor from entering FW region. Lower limits guarantee FW operation, at the cost of extra power dissipation.

New in version R6. MTPA: Enable

This parameter determines if MTPA is enabled.

New in version R6. MTPA display calculations

MTPA does not have any user-configurable parameters, but does include two display values for indication only:

  • \(I_{\textnormal{dmax\_mtpa}}\) — displays the maximum d-axis current reference that can occur from MTPA

  • \(G_{\textnormal{mtpa}}\) — displays the maximum torque gain that can occur from the use of MTPA, relative to the maximum torque with MTPA disabled (\(I_d = 0\)).

Both are generally very small, except for motors that have significant rotor saliency and high flux utilization. The saliency flux utilization coefficient \(\alpha_{\textrm{mtpa}} = (L_q-L_d)I_{\max}/\psi_m\) is a metric of rotor saliency and flux utilization, and represents how much change in air-gap flux can occur, relative to the permanent magnet flux.

The maximum d-axis current and maximum torque gain are approximately proportional to \(\alpha_{\textrm{mtpa}}{}^2\), so doubling the overall current capability \(I_{\max}\) roughly quadruples both the d-axis current requested by MPTA and the contribution of MTPA towards torque.

New in version R6. Dead-time compensation

See the section on dead-time compensation for more information. Dead-time compensation method

Selects which dead-time compensation method is used, from among the following:

New in version R6. Current linearity range

Determines the maximum amplitude \(I_\delta\) for which a linear range of current is used in calculating unit disturbance signals \(\hat{s}_{abc}\) — see per-phase dead-time compensation and the current linearity range.

New in version R6. Forward gain

Determines the dead-time compensation gain used in the forward path to mitigate the effects of dead time distortion at high electrical frequencies. Unless this type of dead-time compensation is tested carefully with a specific motor, the default value of zero is recommended. See forward-path gain for more information.

New in version R6. Feedback gain

Determines the dead-time compensation gain used in the feedback path to mitigate the effects of dead time distortion on sensorless estimators at low speeds. Increasing this gain will generally improve sensorless estimator performance at low speeds, but excessive gain may cause the current command to jump to its positive limit. See feedback-path gain for more information.

New in version R6. Fault detection Undervoltage margin

Determines the point at which the motor controller shuts down due to insufficient available voltage below its minimum operating voltage.

New in version R5. Overvoltage margin

Determines the point at which the motor controller shuts down due to excessive voltage above its maximum operating voltage.

New in version R5. Stall detect: enable

Determines if the state machine enters the FAULT state due to a stall detect condition. Disabling the stall detect feature will exclude stall detect algorithms from the project build, reducing average CPU usage and memory requirements. Prior to MCAF R7, stall detection was enabled by default and not controllable through the Customize page.

New in version R7. Startup

The startup sequence has numerous parameters that can be modified. These are shown in Figure 6.2.


Figure 6.2 Graph of current and electrical frequency in startup sequence. (The Weathervane startup algorithm is shown.) Startup current

Startup current amplitude \(I_{q0}\) represents a tradeoff between making startup robust (higher is better) and reducing power dissipation in the motor (lower is better). There’s not much value in reducing it below 0.5, which specifies half of maximum continuous current.

New in version R4. Rampup time

Current rampup time \(t_r\) affects only the initial state of startup, in which current increases from zero to its maximum amplitude. The current rampup time should be slow compared to \(L/R\), so that it represents a smooth transition, but fast compared to the overall startup time.

New in version R4. Align time

Some motors, especially those with large inertia and cogging torque, may start more reliably with align time \(t_{\mathrm{aln}} > 0\). The default value of zero is sufficient in most cases.

New in version R5. Min accel time

Increase the minimum acceleration time \(t_{\mathrm{acc}}\) if a slower, less-aggressive startup is desired.

New in version R4. Acceleration \(\alpha_1\)

Increase or decrease the acceleration rate \(\alpha_1\) to control the faster second phase of acceleration. Slower acceleration is generally less prone to cycle slips, but takes longer.

New in version R4. Acceleration \(\alpha_0\)

Increase or decrease the acceleration rate \(\alpha_0\) to control the slower first phase of acceleration. (Note: this is normalized to \(\alpha_1\).) Slower acceleration is generally less prone to cycle slips, but takes longer.

New in version R4. Hold time

The hold time \(t_h\) controls how long the startup sequence remains in the HOLD state where electrical frequency and current are both held constant before transitioning to closed-loop commutation.

A value of zero is fine in most cases.

New in version R5. Speed threshold \(\omega_0\)

Decreasing the velocity threshold \(\omega_0\) will switch to the faster second phase of acceleration sooner.

(Note that the threshold \(\omega_{\min}\) is determined by the minimum velocity setting under Operating parameters.)

New in version R4. Angle converge rate

The angle converge rate controls how fast the transition from open-loop to closed-loop commutation with the Classic startup method.

Some motors may require a lower value to ensure a smooth transition to closed-loop commutation, typically in the range of 0.1°/ms – 1.0°/ms.

New in version R5. Startup algorithm

Classic is the algorithm provided in MCAF R1 – R3. Weathervane transitions to closed-loop more quickly than the Classic algorithm, and was added in R4.

ZS/MT + Initial position correction was added in MCAF R7, and is required by the ZS/MT estimator.

See choice of startup method.

New in version R4. Active damping: max amplitude

Controls the amplitude of active damping \(I_\Delta\). Reduce this value if startup is noisy or unstable. Set to zero to eliminate active damping completely.

New in version R4. Active damping: max gain

Controls the feedback gain of active damping. Reduce this value if startup is noisy or unstable.

New in version R4. Active damping: speed threshold

Determines the minimum velocity to enable active damping. Make sure to choose a velocity where the estimator is stable enough to be useful for active damping.

New in version R4. Overmodulation

See the section on overmodulation for more information. D-axis limit

Determines the maximum d-axis voltage. Leaving this at 1.0 is recommended.

New in version R4. Q-axis limit

Determines the maximum q-axis voltage. A value between 1.05 and 1.25 is recommended. Larger values will allow higher output voltage amplitude, at the cost of higher distortion in output voltage and current.

The section on overmodulation behavior in the synchronous frame has more information on this subject.

New in version R4. Duty cycle feedback with clipping

Determines whether duty cycle feedback for active estimators is obtained after zero sequence modulation (ZSM) and clipping due to overmodulation. If not selected, duty cycle feedback will be obtained before ZSM and clipping.

New in version R7. AN1292 PLL

See the section on AN1292 Phase-locked Loop (PLL) for more information. Time constant

Determines the time constant \(\tau\) used for velocity estimation. This does not affect estimator stability, but it does impact the velocity control loop performance. Lower values of time constant let more noise through, but allow higher-bandwidth velocity loops. Higher values of time constant filter out more noise, but reduce the achievable velocity loop bandwidth.

New in version R5. Loop filter bandwidth

Determines the loop filter bandwidth \(\omega_1\) used for angle estimation in the PLL. (Note: this is a different value than the startup velocity, also called \(\omega_1\))

Leaving this value at its default is recommended.

New in version R5. Filter threshold

Determines the maximum velocity for slow filtering in the PLL estimator. Leaving this value at its default is recommended.

New in version R6. Quadrature encoder

See the section on quadrature encoder support for more information. Lines

This should match the number of lines, or cycles per revolution (CPR), listed in the datasheet of the motor or encoder. The number of counts per revolution is 4× the number of lines.

New in version R4. Index pulse present

Select this option if an index pulse signal is present.

New in version R4. Tracking loop time constant

Values in the 1 ms – 10 ms range are recommended. Smaller values will increase estimator bandwidth but allow more encoder quantization noise to appear in the velocity estimate. Larger values will decrease estimator bandwidth, along with the achievable velocity loop bandwidth, but will decrease the effect of encoder quantization noise.

Note: With MCAF R4, out-of-range errors in code generation will occur for certain combinations of motors with low speed ratings, and choices of tracking loop time constant. This is expected when \(\omega_{m1} \tau < \theta_L\) where \(\theta_L \approx 0.4\ \text{rad}\), where \(\omega_{m1}\) is the rated motor velocity in rad/s, and \(\tau\) is the tracking loop time constant. A viable workaround in most cases is to increase the tracking loop time constant, though this would reduce the velocity loop bandwidth.

For example, a motor with rated velocity of 2000 RPM ≈ 209 rad/s is likely to have out-of-range errors if the tracking loop time constant is less than approximately \(0.4 / 209 = 0.0019\) s or 1.9 ms.

New in version R4. Synchronization method

  • Align — best general-purpose synchronization method, fastest, sensitive to large cogging torque

  • Pullout — most immune to cogging torque, sensitive to high inertia

  • Align-and-sweep — slow, best accuracy

New in version R4. Align time

This determines the align time used for back-emf synchronization. Systems with larger inertia may need longer times. Shorter times (less than 0.5 s) may be adequate for very low inertia systems.

New in version R4. Align angle shift

Increase this angle for systems with high cogging torque. Values of 30° – 60° are recommended.

New in version R4. Align initial angle

Controls the initial electrical angle used during the rampup state of startup. Some angles may be slightly more robust, but this must be determined empirically for a particular motor.

New in version R4. Align-and-sweep rate

4 counts per ISR is the fastest, and is adequate for most motors with low cogging torque. Decrease this value for motors with high cogging torque.

New in version R4. Align-and-sweep setup angle

This controls the setup angle prior to making commutation offset measurements. Smaller values may not leave enough time for transients to settle. Larger values will add more time for transients to settle. Increasing it for high-inertia systems may improve accuracy.

New in version R4. Pullout slip threshold

This parameter controls the slip at which pullout offset is measured for determining commutation offset. Slip here is defined as the rate of change of difference in the angle of the stationary frame voltage vector \(V_{\alpha\beta}\) and the raw electrical position from the encoder. Good choices for this parameter depend on the motor’s mechanical properties, namely inertia \(J\), viscous damping \(B\), and friction torque \(T_{fr}\). The slip threshold may need to be increased for motors with low inertia, or decreased for motors with higher inertia. The recommended range for slip threshold is approximately 0.059 to 0.47 rad/s. (0.5× to 4× the default value)

New in version R4. Dynamic current limit

The following parameters control the behavior of the simple dynamic current limit algorithm. See the section on dynamic current limit for more information.

  • Peak current — Determines the absolute peak current \(I_{\mathrm{peak}}\).

  • Horizon current — Determines the horizon current \(I_{\mathrm{horz}}\) used in the simple dynamic current limit algorithm. The current limit relaxes to the horizon current.

  • Time constant — Relaxation time constant \(\tau\) that determines how fast the current limit relaxes to the horizon current.

  • Decimation ratio — Determines the decimation ratio \(N\) for executing dynamic current limit algorithm every \(N\) samples of the current control loop.

New in version R7. Voltage control Low-pass filter time constant

Time constant \(\tau_{\mathrm{lpf}}\) for the first-order low-pass filter used to attenuate noise from the output of the current controller \(V_q\).

New in version R7. Proportional gain

Proportional gain \(K_p\) used in the outer loop controller when voltage is the controlled variable. This parameter must be tuned manually; see the section on voltage control for guidance.

New in version R7. Time constant

Time constant \(\tau\) used in the outer loop controller when voltage is the controlled variable. This parameter sets the \(K_i\) gain of the voltage controller using \(\tau = K_p/K_i\). This parameter must be tuned manually; see the section on voltage control for guidance.

New in version R7. Motion Control API

See the section on Motion Control API for more information. Filter time constant Is

Values of the order of 0.1ms – 10ms are recommended. Higher time constant values reduce noise in the Is signal that is made available through MCAPI at the cost of adding some phase delay compared to the sampled value of Is in MCAF.

New in version R6. Filter time constant Iq

Values of the order of 0.1ms – 10ms are recommended. Higher time constant values reduce noise in the Iq signal that is made available through MCAPI at the cost of adding some phase delay compared to the sampled value of Iq in MCAF.

New in version R6. ADC ISR user functions

Determines if the user-defined functions MCAPI_AdcIsrProlog() and MCAPI_AdcIsrEpilog() are called at the beginning and end, respectively, of every MCAF ISR. These functions are defined in mcapi.c with the “weak” attribute, and can be redefined by user-written code for purposes such as functional safety.

New in version R7. Board service UI service period

Determines the rate at which board service ISR tasks get executed. For further information on board service module please refer to board service module.

New in version R6. Button debounce time

This parameter determines the amount of time a logical high signal needs to stay high until it is registered as a button press.

New in version R6. Long button press time

The amount of time it takes for a button press to be registered as a long button press. Increasing this value increases the length of time before a button is recognized as a long button press.

New in version R6. Optional analog inputs

Optional analog inputs, for signals such as phase voltages and absolute reference voltage, are available for sampling on some boards. The optional analog input selection in the Customize page will be limited by the selected board.

New in version R7. Temperature bridge

Analog input for sampling the voltage output of the temperature sensor, if available. The temperature sampled from this input is used for triggering an overtemperature fault. There are three parameters associated with this analog input:

  • Overtemperature threshold — Determines the temperature at which the overtemperature fault will occur

  • Time constant — Low-pass filter time constant for attenuating the temperature signal

  • Slew rate — Maximum slew rate of the temperature signal, used for voltage spike rejection

See the section on temperature measurement for more information.

New in version R7. Absolute voltage reference

Analog input for sampling the absolute voltage reference of the board, if available.

New in version R7. Phase voltages

Analog inputs for sampling the voltages on phases A, B, and C, if available.

New in version R7.