7.2. Error code listΒΆ

# Blink Pattern ID Description Comments
1 2 ERR_OSC_FAIL oscillator failure  
2 3 ERR_ADDRESS_ERROR address error (e.g. alignment)  
3 4 ERR_HARD_TRAP hard trap  
4 1 2 ERR_STACK_ERROR stack pointer error  
5 2 2 ERR_MATH arithmetic error  
6 3 2 ERR_RESERVED_TRAP5 code for trap 5 unused  
7 4 2 ERR_SOFT_TRAP hard trap  
8 1 3 ERR_RESERVED_TRAP7 reserved trap #7  
255 4 4 4 4 ERR_UNEXPECTED_TRAP unexpected trap from MCC trap handler  
Application errors
16 1 1 2 ERR_STALL_RETRY_EXCEEDED number of stall retries exceeded  
17 2 1 2 ERR_INVALID_STARTUP_FSM_STATE invalid startup FSM state  
18 3 1 2 ERR_HW_OVERCURRENT hardware overcurrent  
19 4 1 2 ERR_DCLINK_OVERVOLTAGE DC link overvoltage  
20 1 2 2 ERR_DCLINK_UNDERVOLTAGE DC link undervoltage  
32 1 1 3 MCAF_ERR_RCON_TRAPR trap conflict  
33 2 1 3 MCAF_ERR_RCON_IOPUWR IOPUWR illegal opcode / uninitialized W  
34 3 1 3 MCAF_ERR_RCON_CM configuration mismatch  
35 4 1 3 MCAF_ERR_RCON_WDTO_ISR watchdog timeout, ISR  
36 1 2 3 ERR_RCON_WDTO_MAINLOOP watchdog timeout, main loop  
37 2 2 3 ERR_BOARD_CONFIG_FAIL board configuration failed  
38 3 2 3 ERR_BOARD_FAULT board fault detected  
Unexpected interrupt errors
256 1 1 1 1 2 ERR_UNEXPECTED_INTERRUPT_BASE   This covers a range of codes; if you encounter blink patterns in a similar range, please contact Microchip support, as this indicates an unexpected error that may be caused by a software bug.