CryptoAuthLib v3.7.7
Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library
No Matches
swi_uart_start.c File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <peripheral_clk_config.h>
#include "swi_uart_start.h"
#include "atca_helpers.h"


#define USART_BAUD_RATE(baud, sercom_freq)   (65536 - ((65536 * 16.0F * baud) / sercom_freq))


ATCA_STATUS swi_uart_init (ATCASWIMaster_t *instance)
 Implementation of SWI UART init.
ATCA_STATUS swi_uart_deinit (ATCASWIMaster_t *instance)
 Implementation of SWI UART deinit.
void swi_uart_setbaud (ATCASWIMaster_t *instance, uint32_t baudrate)
 implementation of SWI UART change baudrate.
void swi_uart_mode (ATCASWIMaster_t *instance, uint8_t mode)
 implementation of SWI UART change mode.
void swi_uart_discover_buses (int swi_uart_buses[], int max_buses)
 discover UART buses available for this hardware this maintains a list of logical to physical bus mappings freeing the application of the a-priori knowledge
ATCA_STATUS swi_uart_send_byte (ATCASWIMaster_t *instance, uint8_t data)
 HAL implementation of SWI UART send byte over ASF. This function send one byte over UART.
ATCA_STATUS swi_uart_receive_byte (ATCASWIMaster_t *instance, uint8_t *data)
 HAL implementation of SWI UART receive bytes over ASF. This function receive one byte over UART.

Detailed Description