CryptoAuthLib v3.7.7
Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library
No Matches
calib_info.c File Reference

CryptoAuthLib Basic API methods for Info command. More...

#include "cryptoauthlib.h"


ATCA_STATUS calib_info_base (ATCADevice device, uint8_t mode, uint16_t param2, uint8_t *out_data)
 Issues an Info command, which return internal device information and can control GPIO and the persistent latch.
ATCA_STATUS calib_info (ATCADevice device, uint8_t *revision)
 Use the Info command to get the device revision (DevRev).
ATCA_STATUS calib_info_privkey_valid (ATCADevice device, uint16_t key_id, uint8_t *is_valid)
 Use Info command to check ECC Private key stored in key slot is valid or not.
ATCA_STATUS calib_info_lock_status (ATCADevice device, uint16_t param2, uint8_t *is_locked)
 Use Info command to ECC204,TA010 config/data zone lock status.
ATCA_STATUS calib_info_chip_status (ATCADevice device, uint8_t *chip_status)
 Use Info command to get ECC204,TA010,SHA10x chip status.

Detailed Description

CryptoAuthLib Basic API methods for Info command.

Info command returns a variety of static and dynamic information about the device and its state. Also is used to control the GPIO pin and the persistent latch.

The ATSHA204A refers to this command as DevRev instead of Info, however, the OpCode and operation is the same.
List of devices that support this command - ATSHA204A, ATECC108A, ATECC508A & ATECC608A/B. There are differences in the modes that they support. Refer to device datasheets for full details.