Microchip CryptoAuthentication device command builder - this is the main object that builds the command byte strings for the given device. It does not execute the command. The basic flow is to call a command method to build the command you want given the parameters and then send that byte string through the device interface.
ATCA_STATUS | atInfo (ATCADeviceType device_type, ATCAPacket *packet) |
| ATCACommand Info method.
ATCA_STATUS | atPause (ATCADeviceType device_type, ATCAPacket *packet) |
| ATCACommand Pause method.
void | atCRC (size_t length, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t *crc_le) |
| Calculates CRC over the given raw data and returns the CRC in little-endian byte order.
void | atCalcCrc (ATCAPacket *packet) |
| This function calculates CRC and adds it to the correct offset in the packet data.
ATCA_STATUS | atCheckCrc (const uint8_t *response) |
| This function checks the consistency of a response.
bool | atIsSHAFamily (ATCADeviceType device_type) |
| determines if a given device type is a SHA device or a superset of a SHA device
bool | atIsECCFamily (ATCADeviceType device_type) |
| determines if a given device type is an ECC device or a superset of a ECC device
ATCA_STATUS | isATCAError (uint8_t *data) |
| checks for basic error frame in data
Microchip CryptoAuthentication device command builder - this is the main object that builds the command byte strings for the given device. It does not execute the command. The basic flow is to call a command method to build the command you want given the parameters and then send that byte string through the device interface.
The primary goal of the command builder is to wrap the given parameters with the correct packet size and CRC. The caller should first fill in the parameters required in the ATCAPacket parameter given to the command. The command builder will deal with the mechanics of creating a valid packet using the parameter information.
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