CryptoAuthLib v3.7.7
Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library
No Matches
atca_status.h File Reference

Microchip Crypto Auth status codes. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include "atca_compiler.h"


#define ATCA_SUCCESS   (0)
#define ATCA_CONFIG_ZONE_LOCKED   (0x01)
#define ATCA_DATA_ZONE_LOCKED   (0x02)
#define ATCA_WAKE_FAILED   (-48)
#define ATCA_PARSE_ERROR   (-46)
#define ATCA_STATUS_CRC   (-44)
#define ATCA_STATUS_UNKNOWN   (-43)
#define ATCA_STATUS_ECC   (-42)
#define ATCA_FUNC_FAIL   (-32)
#define ATCA_GEN_FAIL   (-31)
#define ATCA_BAD_PARAM   (-30)
#define ATCA_INVALID_ID   (-29)
#define ATCA_INVALID_SIZE   (-28)
#define ATCA_RX_CRC_ERROR   (-27)
#define ATCA_RX_FAIL   (-26)
#define ATCA_RX_NO_RESPONSE   (-25)
#define ATCA_PARITY_ERROR   (-23)
#define ATCA_TX_TIMEOUT   (-22)
#define ATCA_RX_TIMEOUT   (-21)
#define ATCA_SMALL_BUFFER   (-19)
#define ATCA_COMM_FAIL   (-16)
#define ATCA_TIMEOUT   (-15)
#define ATCA_BAD_OPCODE   (-14)
#define ATCA_WAKE_SUCCESS   (-13)
#define ATCA_EXECUTION_ERROR   (-12)
#define ATCA_UNIMPLEMENTED   (-11)
#define ATCA_ASSERT_FAILURE   (-10)
#define ATCA_TX_FAIL   (-9)
#define ATCA_NOT_LOCKED   (-8)
#define ATCA_NO_DEVICES   (-7)
#define ATCA_ALLOC_FAILURE   (-5)
#define ATCA_STATUS_AUTH_BIT   0x40u


typedef int ATCA_STATUS

Detailed Description

Microchip Crypto Auth status codes.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ATCA_ALLOC_FAILURE   (-5)

STATUS (0xFB): Couldn't allocate required memory


#define ATCA_ASSERT_FAILURE   (-10)

STATUS (0xF6): Code failed run-time consistency check


#define ATCA_BAD_OPCODE   (-14)

STATUS (0xF2): opcode is not supported by the device


#define ATCA_BAD_PARAM   (-30)

STATUS (0xE2): bad argument (out of range, null pointer, etc.)



STATUS (0xD1): response status byte indicates CheckMac failure(status byte = 0x01)


#define ATCA_COMM_FAIL   (-16)

STATUS (0xF0): Communication with device failed. Same as in hardware dependent modules.


#define ATCA_EXECUTION_ERROR   (-12)

STATUS (0xF4): chip was in a state where it could not execute the command, response status byte indicates command execution error (status byte = 0x0F)


#define ATCA_FUNC_FAIL   (-32)

STATUS (0xE0): Function could not execute due to incorrect condition / state.


#define ATCA_GEN_FAIL   (-31)

STATUS (0xE1): unspecified error



STATUS (0xFA): random number generator health test error


#define ATCA_INVALID_ID   (-29)

STATUS (0xE3: invalid device id, id not set


#define ATCA_INVALID_SIZE   (-28)

STATUS (0xE4): Count value is out of range or greater than buffer size.


#define ATCA_NO_DEVICES   (-7)

STATUS (0xF9): For protocols that support device discovery (kit protocol), no devices were found



STATUS (0xFD): The library has not been initialized so the command could not be executed


#define ATCA_NOT_LOCKED   (-8)

STATUS (0xF8): required zone was not locked


#define ATCA_PARITY_ERROR   (-23)

STATUS (0xE9): for protocols needing parity


#define ATCA_PARSE_ERROR   (-46)

STATUS (0xD2): response status byte indicates parsing error(status byte = 0x03)



STATUS (0xE8): Re-synchronization succeeded, but only after generating a Wake-up


#define ATCA_RX_CRC_ERROR   (-27)

STATUS (0xE5): CRC error in data received from device


#define ATCA_RX_FAIL   (-26)

STATUS (0xE6): Timed out while waiting for response. Number of bytes received is > 0.


#define ATCA_RX_NO_RESPONSE   (-25)

STATUS (0xE7): Not an error while the Command layer is polling for a command response.


#define ATCA_RX_TIMEOUT   (-21)

STATUS (0xEB): for Microchip PHY protocol, timeout on receipt waiting for master


#define ATCA_SMALL_BUFFER   (-19)

STATUS (0xED): Supplied buffer is too small for data required


#define ATCA_STATUS_CRC   (-44)

STATUS (0xD4): response status byte indicates DEVICE did not receive data properly(status byte = 0xFF)


#define ATCA_STATUS_ECC   (-42)

STATUS (0xD6): response status byte is ECC fault(status byte = 0x05)



STATUS (0xD7): response status byte is Self Test Error, chip in failure mode (status byte = 0x07)


#define ATCA_STATUS_UNKNOWN   (-43)

STATUS (0xD5): response status byte is unknown


#define ATCA_SUCCESS   (0)

STATUS (0x00): Function Successful


#define ATCA_TIMEOUT   (-15)

STATUS (0xF1): Timed out while waiting for response. Number of bytes received is 0.



STATUS (0xEC): Device did not respond too many times during a transmission. Could indicate no device present.


#define ATCA_TX_FAIL   (-9)

STATUS (0xF7): Failed to write


#define ATCA_TX_TIMEOUT   (-22)

STATUS (0xEA): for Microchip PHY protocol, timeout on transmission waiting for master


#define ATCA_UNIMPLEMENTED   (-11)

STATUS (0xF5): Function or some element of it hasn't been implemented yet



STATUS (0xFC): Use flags on the device indicates its consumed fully


#define ATCA_WAKE_FAILED   (-48)

STATUS (0xD0): response status byte indicates CheckMac failure(status byte = 0x01)


#define ATCA_WAKE_SUCCESS   (-13)

STATUS (0xF3): received proper wake token