CryptoAuthLib v3.7.7
Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library
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atca_iface.c File Reference

Microchip CryptoAuthLib hardware interface object. More...

#include "cryptoauthlib.h"
#include <ctype.h>

Data Structures

struct  devtype_names_t


ATCA_STATUS initATCAIface (ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg, ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Initializer for ATCAIface objects.
ATCA_STATUS atinit (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Performs the HAL initialization by calling intermediate HAL wrapper function. If using the basic API, the atcab_init() function should be called instead.
ATCA_STATUS atsend (ATCAIface ca_iface, uint8_t word_address, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength)
 Sends the data to the device by calling intermediate HAL wrapper function.
ATCA_STATUS atreceive (ATCAIface ca_iface, uint8_t word_address, uint8_t *rxdata, uint16_t *rxlength)
 Receives data from the device by calling intermediate HAL wrapper function.
ATCA_STATUS atcontrol (ATCAIface ca_iface, uint8_t option, void *param, size_t paramlen)
 Perform control operations with the underlying hal driver.
ATCA_STATUS atwake (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Wakes up the device by calling intermediate HAL wrapper function. The atcab_wakeup() function should be used instead.
ATCA_STATUS atidle (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Puts the device into idle state by calling intermediate HAL wrapper function. The atcab_idle() function should be used instead.
ATCA_STATUS atsleep (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Puts the device into sleep state by calling intermediate HAL wrapper function. The atcab_sleep() function should be used instead.
ATCAIfaceCfgatgetifacecfg (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Returns the logical interface configuration for the device.
void * atgetifacehaldat (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Returns the HAL data pointer for the device.
bool ifacetype_is_kit (ATCAIfaceType iface_type)
 Check if the given interface is a "kit protocol" one.
bool atca_iface_is_kit (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Check if the given interface is configured as a "kit protocol" one where transactions are atomic.
bool atca_iface_is_swi (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Check if the given interface is configured as a SWI.
int atca_iface_get_retries (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Retrive the number of retries for a configured interface.
uint16_t atca_iface_get_wake_delay (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Retrive the wake/retry delay for a configured interface/device.
uint8_t ifacecfg_get_address (ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg)
 Retrieves the device address given an interface configuration.
ATCA_STATUS ifacecfg_set_address (ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg, uint8_t address, ATCAKitType kitiface)
 Change the address of the selected device.
ATCA_STATUS releaseATCAIface (ATCAIface ca_iface)
 Instruct the HAL driver to release any resources associated with this interface.
void deleteATCAIface (ATCAIface *ca_iface)
 Instruct the HAL driver to release any resources associated with this interface, then delete the object.
ATCADeviceType iface_get_device_type_by_name (const char *name)
 Get the ATCADeviceType for a string that looks like a part number.

Detailed Description

Microchip CryptoAuthLib hardware interface object.