CryptoAuthLib v3.7.7
Microchip CryptoAuthentication Library
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atca_device.c File Reference

Microchip CryptoAuth device object. More...

#include "cryptoauthlib.h"


ATCADevice newATCADevice (ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg)
 constructor for a Microchip CryptoAuth device
void deleteATCADevice (ATCADevice *ca_dev)
 destructor for a device NULLs reference after object is freed
ATCA_STATUS initATCADevice (ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg, ATCADevice ca_dev)
 Initializer for an Microchip CryptoAuth device.
ATCAIface atGetIFace (ATCADevice dev)
 returns a reference to the ATCAIface interface object for the device
ATCA_STATUS releaseATCADevice (ATCADevice ca_dev)
 Release any resources associated with the device.

Detailed Description

Microchip CryptoAuth device object.