Symbol Program variable Description
\( \omega_{m,\rm pert} \) motor.testing.sqwave.velocity / motor.testing.perturb.phase[k].velocity MCAF firmware contains amplitude of velocity command perturbation — note: used only in OM_FORCE_VOLTAGE.
Asymmetric perturbation located in motor.testing.perturb.phase[k]
\( I_{dq,\rm pert} \) motor.testing.sqwave.idq / motor.testing.perturb.phase[k].idq MCAF firmware contains amplitude of current command perturbation (d- and q-axis components)
Asymmetric perturbation located in motor.testing.perturb.phase[k]
\( V_{dq,\rm pert} \) motor.testing.sqwave.vdq / motor.testing.perturb.phase[k].vdq MCAF firmware contains amplitude of voltage command perturbation (d- and q-axis components)
Asymmetric perturbation located in motor.testing.perturb.phase[k]
\( V_{dq,\rm exc} \) N/A Represents excitation voltage added in the dq-frame.
Result of MCAF_CommutationExcitationVd() and MCAF_CommutationExcitationVq(); this is zero for non-intrusive estimators, and will be optimized away.
\( V_{\alpha\beta,\rm exc} \) N/A Represents excitation voltage added in the αβ frame.
Result of MCAF_CommutationExcitationValpha() and MCAF_CommutationExcitationVbeta(); this is zero for non-intrusive estimators, and will be optimized away.
\( V_{dc} \) systemData.vDC DC link voltage
V6 motor.testing.overrides : 4 (zero = "on") "Valve" to enable data flow into reciprocal voltage
\( R_V \) motor.rVdc reciprocal of DC link voltage
\( \omega_{m,\rm cmd} \) motor.velocityControl.velocityCmdApi MCAF R7: Velocity command from Motion Control API
V1 motor.testing.overrides : 1 (zero = "on") "Valve" to enable data flow into velocity command
\( \omega_{m,\rm ref0} \) motor.velocityControl.velocityCmd
\( \omega_{m,\rm ref} \) motor.velocityControl.velocityCmdRateLimited rate-limited velocity command
\( I_{q,\rm ref0} \) [not stored in MCAF but see valve V2] Desired q-axis current from velocity controller
\( I_{d,\rm ref0} \) [not stored in MCAF but see valve V2] Desired d-axis current from flux control module
V2 motor.testing.operatingMode = OM_NORMAL and startup complete "Valve" to enable data flow into current command
\( I_{dq,\rm ref0} \) motor.idqCmdRaw Desired dq-frame currents, prior to perturbation
\( I_{dq,\rm ref} \) motor.idqCmd Desired dq-frame currents
\( I_{dq,\rm err} \) [not stored in MCAF]
V3 motor.testing.operatingMode = OM_FORCE_CURRENT or greater "Valve" to enable data flow into voltage command
\( V_{dq0} \) motor.vdqCmd Desired dq-frame (synchronous) voltages prior to perturbation
\( V_{dq} \) motor.vdq Desired dq-frame (synchronous) voltages
V4 [Not implemented in MCAF R7] "Valve" to enable data flow into alphabeta voltage command
\( V_{\alpha\beta0} \) motor.valphabeta Desired alphabeta-frame (stationary) voltages prior to perturbation
\( V_{\alpha\beta} \) motor.valphabetaPerturbed Desired alphabeta-frame (stationary) voltages
\( V_{abc0} \) motor.vabc Desired phase voltages
\( D_{abc0} \) motor.dabcRaw Duty cycle outputs prior to dead-time compensation, ZSM and clipping
\( D_{abc1} \) motor.dabcUnshifted Duty cycle outputs after dead-time compensation but before ZSM and clipping
V5 [Not implemented in MCAF R7] "Valve" to enable data flow into output duty cycle
\( D_{abc2} \) motor.dabc Duty cycle outputs after ZSM and clipping
\( \Delta D_{abc} \) motor.deadTimeCompensation.dabcForwardPath if applicable Forward-path dead-time compensation of duty cycle; zero if "none" variant used
\( \theta_e \) motor.thetaElectrical electrical angle
cs motor.sincos sine and cosine of electrical angle
\( V_{\alpha\beta f} \) motor.valphabetaOut Estimated alphabeta-frame (stationary) feedback voltages
\( I_{ab} \) motor.iabc measured motor phase currents
\( I_{\alpha\beta} \) motor.ialphabeta alphabeta-frame (stationary) measured current
\( I_{dq} \) motor.idq dq-frame (synchronous) measured current
commutation override motor.testing.overrides : 2 (zero = normal commutation from estimator) determines source of commutation angle
\( \omega_{e,\rm override} \) motor.testing.overrideOmegaElectrical Commutation override electrical frequency
\( \hat{\theta}_r \) motor.estimator.theta Estimated electrical angle
\( \hat{\omega}_m \) motor.omegaElectrical Estimated electrical frequency (note: in MCAF the equivalent electrical and mechanical frequencies are represented by the same integer values and are interchangeable during computations.)
\( \theta_{\rm ofs} \) motor.startup.thetaError Commutation angle offset